The Game, HipHop Artist & Rapper | Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson

Prior to the launch of his new album called “Drillmatic” on July 1st, The Game sat down with Mike Tyson in the #Hotboxin studio. In this episode, the guys spoke about: The Game’s relationship with 50 Cent, gang life, Mike’s airplane fight, discovering Nipsey Hussle, the death of Mike’s daughter, heartbreaks, rappers dying, and more. The guys also take shrooms & The Game takes the gloves from the Hotboxin’ set?! You do not want to miss this episode.


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About The Author
- New Millie is a passionate keeper and curator of Hip-Hop, Street & Pop Culture. Stay tuned in to NEWONTHEBLOCK.TV for everything new on the block. #allthenewsh*t