The Life of a Gangster Crip – Sanyika Shakur aka Monster Kody

Sanyika Shakur aka Monster Kody [Mini Doc] In 1993 Monster Kody Scott wrote an autobiography that shocked the world forever changing the way the people looked at gangs in Los Angeles. His book also forever changed the way that people looked at him, as after almost 30 years he’s still recognized as Monster Kody. Even after changing his name to Sanyika Shakur and renouncing gangs violence, his reputation as a Eight-Tray Gangster Crip continues to follow him where ever he goes.


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About The Author
- New Millie is a passionate keeper and curator of Hip-Hop, Street & Pop Culture. Stay tuned in to NEWONTHEBLOCK.TV for everything new on the block. #allthenewsh*t