US election: Mike Pence, Kamala Harris face off in vice-presidential debate | FULL
The U.S. vice presidential debate was held between Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris on Wednesday evening, where they were seated 12 feet apart and separated by plexiglass in accordance with public health guidelines. The debate was moderated by Susan Page of USA Today. The debate began with questions on the Trump administration’s COVID-19 response and touched on numerous other subjects including Trump’s attitude towards the military, the nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, and the shooting of Black woman Breonna Taylor at the hands of police. The debate in Salt Lake City follows the disorderly prime-time spectacle last week that had viewers of President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden’s matchup bemoaning the moderator’s inability to shut off a candidate’s microphone. It also comes on the heels of President Donald Trump testing positive and receiving treatment for COVID-19. Both of the candidates have tested negative for coronavirus ahead of the evening. https://newontheblocktv.com