BREAKING: They Are Really Trying To Get T.I. Sent To Prison Now!

While speaking to Hollywood Unlocked, Peterson went into details about the ordeal, saying she found out about the $25,000 on her head from T.I.’s former employee. In her interview with Hollywood Unlocked, she described a weapon pulled on her, which she says was the same weapon pulled on another victim. Peterson went on to say, “She described the same gun [from T.I.]. She described the same exact gun. There’s no way that this woman would be able to vividly describe this gun unless she actually seen this very gun.”

From there, Peterson said once she posted the information about the woman’s ordeal, she began to get a flood of Das, which included a former T.I. employee. Peterson said, “One of his people that worked for him came to me and told one of his security guards that was also on his record label, maybe like right when I came home from prison, he was laughing… He was like, ‘You know that n***a tried to pay me to kill you?’” Peterson noted that the man said T.I. was willing to pay $25,000, which the man turned down after getting all the details


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About The Author
- New Millie is a passionate keeper and curator of Hip-Hop, Street & Pop Culture. Stay tuned in to NEWONTHEBLOCK.TV for everything new on the block. #allthenewsh*t